Saturday, February 11, 2017

Fake news is "killing people's minds", says Apple boss Tim Cook

From The Telegraph

Made-up news reports trying to promote a particular agenda gained huge traction on social media in the US during the election. 

“It has to be ingrained in the schools, it has to be ingrained in the public,” said Mr Cook. “There has to be a massive campaign. We have to think through every demographic.

Well, Comrade Cook.  

Might I be so bold to suggest that the view expressed here smacks of US “rubes” being too ignorant to parse the truth from the noise.  

And this therefore requires enlightened visionaries (such as yourself) to block and cleanse the various social information streams of incorrect content for the benefit of these poor souls.  

Further Comrade Cook, the public school system, which has spent far too much time inculcating young minds to forego critical thinking in deference to Social Justice, is cranking out Millennial snowflakes incapable of civil discourse or rational thought based on facts, logic, and tempered by reason, with a measured appreciation for human history.  

Instead, Comrade Cook, you seem to believe this current process in the US school system needs to be cranked up to 11 - Spinal Tap style.  

Might I also suggest you figure out how to make Apple’s MacBook Pro upgrades better, as higher end Windows computers are quickly approaching parity with your offering, and my mid-2010 laptop will not last indefinitely.  


Sunday, February 05, 2017

I Don't Understand...

On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) said President Donald Trump was “splitting” the country apart with what she called “a blizzard of executive orders and memorandums.” 

So, let me get this straight.  

The 44th President can’t deal with the Congress because it is controlled by the Republicans since the country (not the Russians) moved to give them control in 2014.  Note: Ronald Reagan was successful and he had a Democrat Congress for eight full years (both chambers).  

The 44th President makes good on his threat to use a “pen and a phone” issuing a blizzard of executive orders and memorandums, many of which represent a lack of fidelity to his oath to “faithfully execute” laws, even ones he does not like.  

The country elects Donald Trump (for better or worse), and Trump starts dismantling the executive orders of the previous President.  

Now, the Democrats, having lost complete control of the federal government claim Trump is “splitting” the country apart.  They increasingly sound like the old-Confederate secessionists.  

They’ve drummed out virtually all of the Blue Dog Democrats of their formerly “big tent” political party, and the whacky Progressive Left and the full-on Socialist-Marxists are thumb wrestling for control of the Party, hoping to eradicate the few Blue Dogs still in the Party who disagree with their myopic focus on bathrooms and sex organs (at least the Bernie crowd had some exuberance; the rest of the Party has failed to reach the all important first step of the 12-step program — the recognition for a need to change).  

I don’t trust the Republicans either.  

But it was telling during the campaign that the establishment Republicans were working feverishly behind the scenes to throw the race to Hillary, because Trump represented an uncouth and uncontrollable unknown; at least Hillary was fully known, and would have turned the government into an ATM for corruption, and that was music in the ears of both Parties.  

Well, Dianne Feinstein et al. -- keep up the hyperbole, melt downs, and nausea inducing outrage over everything, everywhere 24/7/365.  All.  The.  Time.  

Do you want more Trump?  Because this is how you get more Trump.